Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Telephone number memory

An hour and 15 minutes in a presentation. I concentrated for the first 15-20 minutes.. Slowly, but steadily, as the presenter's content matter sailed onto deeper seas, my understanding of it started diminishing till a point where I could hear sentences, but not make any sense out of them. Since I had a good nights sleep last night, I wasnt about to let my ship sail off into the pleasurable vastness of deep slumber. So, I decided to do some activity:

I took a piece of paper and decided to write down all the telephone numbers that I could remember. The telephones nowadays keep a record of all the numbers dialled, quick dialling facilities, voice activation, so on and so forth. So, its very rare that we actually dial a phone number. If you were given a phone, how many people could you call without looking up their phone number? My mini quest was an answer to this question.

As it turned out, I could remember only 21 phone numbers! 21!! Only 21! Of all the people whom I interact and talk and meet and all, only 21! Moreso, about 4 numbers are my home phone numbers. So, dialling them would be essentially dialling my mom and dad.

How many numbers can you remember? Let me know!


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