Nothing in particular
Its been a while that I havent posted to my blog. I thought I'd take this time to create a post as I wait for a friend of mine to be free from work.

Work is going on well.. We've shifted into our new office now.. So, we have deliveries coming in everyday for stuff.. Today we got huge boxes of white-boards.. Yesterday we got a printer, office supplies, stuff just keeps coming! Its fun though! I'm enjoying it! A couple of days we had problems with the VPN, so nothing productive came outta the office on Monday and part of Tuesday.. We've worked around the problem for right now, but it should be fixed by the end of this week.
Last week was almost insane.. There was SOO much stuff on my plate! There were things happening, things not happening! I bought an external hard drive from this website, and they shipped it to my brother's place.. When I checked its status, it said "Customer refused to accept order" LOL. And they shipped it back to CA. Gaah.. I called up the courier service, they said there were 2 labels on it, and the driver went to the wrong address. What?? Thats crazy. So, I call up the website, and they say that the order is cancelled, and I've to re-order. Dang. So, I do re-order, and ask them to now ship it to my new apartment.. And now, they call me back saying that my billing and shipping address dont match.. So they cant ship it. What?? By this time, I am almost driven to madness. And I have a 10.5 hour drive, alone, in front of me with no idea of where I'm going to stay that night! Life isnt always a bed of roses, is it?! But theres no fun without the thorns now, is it?!
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