Digital Fortress
I finished reading Digital Fortress. Unlike Dan Brown's two other creations which I ate up in less than a week, it took me almost a month to get through this.. No, not that it wasnt interesting.. and no not that it was a huge monolith.. It was just that I didnt have long periods of contiguous time intervals when I could get the reading done.
I've started seeing a pattern in Dan Brown's stories.. In all the three books, the perpetrator turns out to be the person that you least expect, the person who is in a high, influential position and seems to be the good guy all along.. Thats good for the story's sake, and good for the aspect of surprise's sake.. However, when you are on your third book of Mr. Brown, you get to a point where you start seeing a pattern, and unfortunately, before the actual surprise at the end, you already know who is responsible for it all.
In this particular book, I did figure out some critical elements much before the characters in the story did.. However, I was sitting at peace in my chair, or 35,000 feet above sea-level sipping juice, while the characters in the story were on the verge on a nervous and mental breakdown in the early hours of the day, some trying to save their lives. So I give them the benefit of doubt..
I liked the story, its been laid out very well.. Pretty well tied up with the technical world. Lots of running around. You feel like reading ahead to see whats going to happen.. Its difficult to keep the book down since the tension is very well created. Descriptions of the NSA's building, and TRANSLTR are more than enough for you to imagine how it actually might be if it actually was or is.